Intensives Anti-Aging Nachtserum
CHF 218.00
BIOEFFECT EGF Serum kann die sichtbaren Anzeichen der Hautalterung reparieren. Mit zunehmendem Alter der Haut nimmt die Anzahl der natürlichen Zellaktivatoren ab. Die Haut erneuert sich langsamer und feine Linien und Fältchen erscheinen. Eine regelmässige tägliche Anwendung von BIOEFFECT EGF SERUM greift auf diesen Prozess auf zellularer Ebene ein und bewirkt dramatische sichtbare Verbesserungen, oft schon nach Tagen.
Tausende von begeisterten Benutzern von BIOEFFECT EGF Serum bestätigen eine sichtbare Reduzierung von feinen Linien und dunklen Ringen unter den Augen, einen besseren Teint und strahlende Haut, die geschmeidig und weich ist und eine derart jugendliche Vitalität ausstrahlt, dass andere sie feststellen!
- Reduziert sichtbare Anzeichen der Hautalterung
- Verleiht Ausstrahlung und Leuchtkraft
- Spendet intensive Feuchtigkeit
- Reduziert trockene Stellen
- Verbessert den Teint
- Hypoallergen
In Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Experten der Biochemie und Dermatologie haben wir die einmalige EGF-Basisformel mit den reinsten Bestandteilen vereinigt – ohne Präservativstoffe, Parfüms oder unnötigen Chemikalien – und ein Produkt hergestellt, das die starke Erneuerungsaktivität des Serums erhöht und gleichzeitig jede Haut, auch strapazierte und sensitive, regeneriert, geschmeidig macht, ernährt und erneuert.
BIOEFFECT EGF Serum wird am besten abends aufgetragen, damit sich die Haut erneuern kann, während Sie ruhen.
2-4 kühlende Tropfen auf das Gesicht und den Hals sowie den delikaten Augenbereich auftragen, so dass das Serum auf natürliche Weise in die Haut eindringen kann. Es ist wichtig, dass die Haut vorher gründlich gereinigt und dass kein anderes Produkt gleichzeitig verwendet wird. BIOEFFECT EGF Serum eignet sich für alle Hauttypen.
Aufgrund der aktiven Konzentration des BIOEFFECT EGF Serums sollte eine 15-ml-Flasche bei täglichem Gebrauch ungefähr drei Monate ausreichen. In dieser Zeit können Sie sich an den sichtbaren Effekten genährter, neu belebter und strahlender Haut erfreuen.
Barbara –
Wow, ich war ja schon ein wenig kritisch bei so vielen begeisterten Reaktionen – aber BioEffect hält, was es verspricht! Die Haut ist frisch und strahlend. Nach 6 Wochen Anwendung werde ich ständig darauf angesprochen, dass ich so fit aussehen würde.“
Tanja Paganal Inhaberin cocoon cosmetics Zürich –
Ich bin sehr überrascht wie schnell sich meine Haut innert 5 Tagen an Weichheit und Feuchtigkeit zugenommen hat auch um den Augenbereich, Hals und Dekollete alles fühlt sich wunderbar zart an. Jetzt empfehle ich es auch meinen Kundinnen.
Golaz Audrey – Lausanne –
Einmalige Textur, dringt sehr schnell in die Haut ein, hinterlässt ein angenehmes Hautgefühl….Ergebnis: Die Haut strahlt!
Gabi Bösch –
Dieses Serum hält absolut,was es verspricht!
Hab es seit 10 Tagen in Gebrauch (abends 2-3 Tropfen).
Erstaunlich,wie feinporig,ebenmässig und total prall mit Feuchtigkeit aufgefüllt meine Haut erscheint !
Ich kann es nur ist seinen Preis in vollem Masse wert!
Für mich ein absolutes Highlight und Nachkaufprodukt.
Mir kommt kein anderes Serum meht ins Gesicht !
Gruss von einer BIOEFFECT -Süchtigen.
Ursina Margadant –
Ich habe Bioeffect in der Drogerie Stebler kennengelernt und bin absolut überwältigt!!!! Es ist ein einfach anzuwendendes Produkt mit einer super Wirkung. Ich habe kein trockenheits Gefühl mehr und brauche dadurch weniger Tagespflege.
Patrick Stabler in Chur – Impuls Drogerie Parfumerie Stebler –
Ueber einen Artikel in der deutschen Vogue bin ich auf das Serum BIOEFFECT aufmerksam geworden. Da ich sehr wert lege auf Natürlichkeit und Einfachheit , hat mich der Artikel sofort begeistert. Ich bin seit 2 Monaten begeisteter Anwender des BIOEFFECT Serums, am Abend 2 Tropfen aufs gereinigte Gesicht und fertig.Es fühlt sich sehr angenehm an, die Haut ist befeuchtet und der absolute Wahnsinn ist, wirklich mit sichtbarem Erfolg. Meine Frau und meine Mitarbeiterinnen meinen, meine Gesichtshaut habe mehr Ausstrahlung und weniger Fältchen. Ich bin ein Mann 47 Jahre alt, begeistert von diesem Produkt, und kann es allen Leuten nur empfehlen.
Erla (38) –
I’ve been using the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum for four months. Fine lines have diminished considerably, my skin is firmer, more taught and somehow much fresher. Dry spots have disappeared and my skin now possesses a balance it didn’t have before (I have combination skin). And people keep telling me I look great! What I also love about this product is the fact that you use it at night after cleansing your skin and then you use a simple mosturizer during the daytime.
Daniela Stalder –
Dieses Produkt ist einfach der wahnsinn!Ich habe es jetzt ca 8 Wochen lang ausprobiert und mein Ergebnis: eine ebenmässig, glatte, strahlende Haut die vielmehr Elastizität und Spannkraft hat:) Für mich ist klar, dass BIOEFFECT weiterhin in meinem Pflegeprogramm bleibt:) Wünsche euch frohe Festtage…und falls Ihr noch ein Geschenk für eure Lieben zu Hause braucht, habt Ihr ja nun die beste Empfehlung!
Kristin –
The eczema behind my ears, which I have been suffernig from, disappeared in three days, and it keeps my skin moisturized for at least 24 hours. One of my friends used the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum on her heels, which were dry and cracked. The BIOEFFECT EGF Serum softened her skin so well that the cracks healed in just a few days.
Hrafnhildur (in Vikan Magazine) –
I am one of those people with „normal skin“ and have not had any skin problems. I have been looking for a good cream to use on the eyes area which is mild and doesn’t sting. The serum works well for me because I can use it on my whole face, including the area around my eyes. I always use it in the evening when I’ve cleaned my skin. I feel my skin is fresher after I started using the serum and I highly recommend it to all my friends.
Valgerður Magnusdottir –
I started using the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum on my hands, as I have cracked hands. I had little faith that the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum would do any more than the other products I had tried. I turned out to be wrong and the results were little short of a miracle. I no longer need to hide my hands which is wonderful. Later I started to use the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum on my face and it works really well there as well. The fine lines on my face are barely visible any more and now I just wait for the wrinkles to disappear. I’ve also taken to using the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum on my feet and heals : D. My experience has been nothing but positive and I’ll continue to use the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum and don’t hesitate recommending it to anyone who’ll listen. Thanks for a great product that works.
Flekka (53) –
I started using steroid cream on my face around the age of 25. I’d get white scales on my forhead, chin and around the mouth when it was cold. Three years ago my skin broke out in a red rash in these areas, and when it was cold I’d get white scales on top. Around my nose I’d feel a burning and itching sensation. I believe this was due to an overuse of steroid creams, although I’d stopped using the steroid cream a few years earlier. Not all doctors agree on this although no other explantion was given. I started using the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum this summer and the red rash and flecks have disappeared completely. I still get the occasional burning and itching sensation around the nose area though. I’ll never stop using the serum because it has made such a difference. I’d even like to use it on the inner rim of the eye when the itch is really bad.
Unnur (42) –
I could see the effects of the serum almost from day one. My skin became smoother and firmer, and the wrinkles much less visible.
Fansy (52) –
Ever since I reached the menopause the skin on my face has taken a turn for the worse. I got deep wrinkles and severe dry spots around the eyes. I have tried every available solution to get rid of the dry spots and have even been prescribed creams by our family doctor with no success. After I was introduced to the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum my dry spots have disappeared, it’s just unbelievable, my skin has changed dramatically for the better. I have highly recommended the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum to my friends and continue to use your great product. Thank you for creating a great product.
Unnur (in Vikan Magazine) (64) –
I’ve been using the serum for a few weeks. In general I think the serum makes the skin beautiful and brings out a glow that wasn’t there before. The skin feels like silk and it is obviously fully moisturized. Many people have commented on how good I look recently and asked what I’m using. I therefore recommend the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum without hesitation to anyone I meet.
Roko –
I have been using the serum for three weeks now and see a lot of difference […] I always had annoying dry spots and have tried every moisturising cream in the world. Since I began using this serum the dry spots have completely disappeared. I can also say that my complexion is much more even than before, so I’m 100% satisfied.
Ingunn Bjornsdottir –
My beautician says my wrinkles have diminished and that my skin is no longer dry. Since I started using the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum she claims I no longer need a facial which I believe to be pretty good results after only six months use.
Diana –
I have not been using this product for very long but I can say, without a doubt, that this is the best moisturizer that I have ever used!
Inga (50) –
I received the serum as a test for my 50th birthday in order to maintain a youthful look. I think it has certainly succeeded.
Audur (40) –
My wrinkles have shrunk and my skin is very soft.
Loa (39) –
The serum moisturizes the skin without making it feel greasy.
Elin (32) –
A fantastic product – immediate visible results.
Holmfridur Arnar –
I’ve been using the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum for three weeks and the difference in my skin is noticable, it glows and my complexion is better. I’ve always used high quality products, but was asked the other day what I was using on my skin now because my complexion was better and my skin possessed a radiance it didn’t have before. I thank BIOEFFECT EGF Serum for that and recommend it to anyone.
Nolan3 –
The absolute best serum I have ever tried. The results are amazing – I would never have believed this. I have cancelled my next Botox appointment! The skin feels unbelievably much smoother and tighter. I actually feel as if 15 years have disappeared!
Helga –
Works wonders on my eczema dry spots. How wonderful!
Anna (39) –
The EGF BIOeffect Serum is moisturizing. It easily penetrates my skin and the dry spots on my face have disappeared.
Hulda (32) –
My skin now has a certain illuminance and freshness; I do not need to use any other products when I’m using the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum. It is extremely moisturizing.
Hafdis (50) –
My skin seems fuller and my complexion is fresher and more even.
Kristin B. Gunnarsdottir –
I was presented with a sample of the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum three weeks ago and started using it straight away. I’d heard a lot of good things about the serum but wasn’t expecting a miracle. Straight away my skin got better and was no longer too dry og too oily. My skin reached a balance it hadn’t possessed before. The few spots on my face disappered in few days and discolouration from too much exposure to the sun has all but disappeared. The same goes for a slight rash I had felt on my face. My skintone is more even and my skin healthier looking and softer than before. I attribute this to my use of the BIOEFFECT EGF Serum and look forward to seeing more products from Sif Cosmetics in the future. Thanks a lot.
Hafdizz –
I actually think this serum is making miracles happen for me. I wish I had a “before-” and “after-”photo. My one little wrinkle has vanished and the redness in my skin is disappearing.
Ragga S –
I have tried this BIOEFFECT EGF Serum – it’s great – and I’ve been using it for 4 weeks now. In the last two weeks I have been told five times how good my skin looks. It even happened twice when out shopping by people whom I see regularly, but don’t know at all.
Alla Bass –
I am so happy with this serum […] I can finally use makeup again, which I haven’t been able to do in several years 🙂
Helma –
This serum is simply brilliant… I have been using it for just two weeks and I see a huge difference. It’s rapidly clearing up my skin problems. I give it five stars out of five 😉
Agusta –
Incredible serum! My skin became soft like silk and younger from day one 🙂